1. Learn to Present Ideas with Positive Energy, Enthusiasm, and Confidence Regardless of the Size of the Crowd or the Venue
2. Learn to Take the Pressure and Focus off Yourself and STOP WORRYING about What OTHER People Think!
3. Learn Easy Breathing Exercises You Can Do ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
4. Learn to Control Your Emotions so You can Manage Your Expectations.
5. Learn to Organize and Prepare Speech Content and Presentation, and Create Regular Rehearsal Schedules.
6. Inject Levity Whenever Possible.
7. Learn Verbal Projection and Articulation.
8. Learn Your Speech Backwards and Forwards, Inside and Out. Ask Yourself Every Question You Possibly Can Think Of, then, Continue to Ask Even MORE Questions!
9. Provide Interesting, Eye-Catching Visual Aids.
10. Memorize Your Presentations.
These are the BASICS of Public Speaking. Call Cathy today to get all the SPECIFICS, 818-414-8679.
It is perfectly normal to feel nervous before performing in front of people. However, you DON’T those emotions to OVERPOWER your performance and prevent you from succeeding! There are VERY EFFECTIVE techniques I use for dealing with Out-of-control Anxiety. I’ve listed two of the Breathing Exercises Below, which are always included in my Public Speaking Lessons.
PRONE Breathing: Lie on a Couch or Bed with no pillow under your head, and your back flat, but bend your knees to avoid lower back pain. Place a weight on your mid-section of several pounds so that you will feel it when you breathe in (INHALE). Relax with your hands at your sides and back flat. Your eyes should be closed, and your mind should be free. Inhale SLOWLY and BE AWARE OF THE WEIGHT ON YOUR BELLY. EXHALE, STILL AWARE OF THE WEIGHT. REPEAT THIS PROCESS S-L-O-W-L-Y over the next two - five minutes. Then, remove the weight, and slowly stand. Once standing, when you draw in your first deep breath, BE AWARE IF YOU CAN STILL "FEEL" the weight (Hopefully, you will; the point is to make certain you are producing your breath correctly). This exercise will help you relax, but it will also inssure that your breathing is focused correctly.
SEATED Breathing: Seating down, Bend at the Waist and Touch Your Bent Elbows to your Knees with Your Hands under your Chin, Holding your Face. You should be Bent over your Body at this point. From this position, take a Deep Inhale in through your Nose (You will feel your entire Abdominal Cavity begin in EXPAND AND STRETCH OUTWARD, AND SWELL FROM ITS ORIGINAL POSITION, INCLUDING YOUR BACK). THEN, EXHALE through your Mouth (All the Air from your Abdomen and Thorax will come spilling out into one Giant EXHALATION!!! REPEAT THIS EXERCISE AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. Do the Exercise by COUNTING TO TEN, AND THEN, DOING IT AGAIN! OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!!
This is an exercise that I like to do utilizing my hands. Though I was never one to COUNT on my fingers, I find that this particular Exercise lends itself to successfully using them to help you remember how many exercises you’ve done. I just bend one finger at a time until I’ve done the entire hand.
Contact Cathy for MORE Resources, Techniques, and Exercises for Dealing with, and Ridding Yourself of Excess Anxiety. Public Speaking Success is a just a phone Call away!
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